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Please note that performing a factory reset will erase all system settings, timers, and customizations from your satellite receiver. A. Press OPTIONS on your remote.... If your picture cuts in and out or the red light on your receiver is flickering on and off, there is a good chance you are experiencing intermittent signal. Follow the.... Your cable box is unresponsive and not responding to your remote control. ... Quick Answer: How to troubleshoot an unresponsive cable box ... After power cycling your digital box, your guide may say "To Be Announced" for about an hour after... 219d99c93a betcla
Welcome to Shaw Direct Support. Find troubleshooting and support articles, set up and how-to guides, and billing and account information for your satellite TV.... If this says "ZK" or "XS", please contact us. Line C (Signal Level Tuner 1). Ensure your Ecb/no is above 6.5 on the problematic channel.. If you have an issue with your Shaw Digital Cable Box it can often be fixed with a simple reset. Find out more ...